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Lower Secondary

Our Lower Secondary programme spans the first three years of secondary education, offering a comprehensive foundation aligned with the Cambridge Pathway. It bridges the gap between primary education and the rigorous IGCSE and AS & A Level examinations, preparing students for future academic challenges.


Our curriculum focuses on the Cambridge Secondary programme in English, Mathematics, and Science. This ensures a balanced and enriching educational experience, fostering lifelong learning skills essential for today's globalized world


At SRIS Middle School, our pedagogical approach nurtures independent, inquisitive, and creative thinkers. We emphasize individual development alongside empathy and respect for others, guiding students through a crucial transition phase towards higher academic pursuits.


Assessment at Lower Secondary includes Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests and Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint. These internationally recognized assessments provide detailed insights into student achievement, helping teachers tailor learning paths and ensure readiness for IGCSE examinations.

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academic year 2024-2025