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ALMAZBEK SHARABIDINOV SILK ROAD CEO: Constant Development is Key to Success

"It's important to set a goal of constant development, not to miss opportunities to face modern challenges, and to open doors for innovations—that's the key to successful evolution." Almaz Sharabidinov, the founder of the International School SILK ROAD in Bishkek and Chicago, Illinois, USA, embodies this philosophy in his life. Starting his journey with dreams and ambitions from his school desk, Almaz Sharabidinov achieved first place in the republican school chemistry Olympiad in grades 10-11 in 1996-1997, competed successfully in international Olympiads, which became his first steps into the world of knowledge. Receiving a 100% scholarship to study at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov was a vivid proof of his talent and perseverance. Educational success became the basis for his entrepreneurial activity and aspirations for innovation. The SILK ROAD School is not just an educational institution; it is a place where new ideas are born and future leaders are shaped. «Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and passions.»

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